Thursday, March 4, 2010

Week 8 Post

Comments 4 kids
This week I read a post from a student named Alexis. She was concerned about her brother being mean to her. I really didn't know how to comment on this issue, but I told her to hang in there and it will get better hopefully.
The Last Lecture

Listening to Randy Pausch's lecture, I thought it was the most profound lecture I have ever heard. It was not because he was dying with cancer, but it was a lecture for the way to live my life and how not to give up on what I want to accomplish in my career as a teacher. When he talked about hitting brick walls it made me think on what I do when I hit one myself. He said,"Brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. They are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. They are there to stop the other people.". I thought this statement he made was rather enlightening because it shows how if we want something bad enough we have to show how bad we want it even if it means rejection.
It was rather interesting to see how all his childhood dreams,in some way, came true. He wanted to float in zero gravity, be in the N.F.L., win stuffed animals, be (or meet) the captain of the Star Shop Enterprise, and be a Disney Imagineer. He met all his dreams by never giving up on them. That speaks a lot when so many give up on their childhood dreams.
He met his gaol of floating in zero gravity by his students winning a contest by NASA and he got to attend as a "Journalist". The next dream of his was to be in the N.F.L. , he didn't play in the N.F.L. , however he learned so much from his childhood coach of his football team that did in fact play in the N.F.L. The next dream was to win stuffed animals at fairs and carnivals. He wanted to do this because as a child he thought that all the big tough guys won the stuffed animals and he wanted to be one of them, and in fact he did win a lot of them through the years. The next dream of his was to be(or meet) captain of the Star Shop Enterprise. Instead of just him meeting his childhood ideal his ideal met him by seeing all what Disney(and Puasch) had to offer. The last dream was to be a Disney Imagineer. He thought since he had a PhD that Disney would jump on the chance to have him be apart of their team. He had gotten the nicest letters of rejection he had ever received from Disney saying there was no position for him in their company. He knew he still wanted to work with them, so he worked pretty much for free as a researcher on their next project. That got his foot in the door and eventually worked for Disney as a Imagineer.
All the hard work and determination he put in to all his childhood dreams payed off in one way or another. As he said before about the brick walls, they are really there to make us work harder and to weed out the ones that don't have the same determination that I have. I hope to use this bit of information when I don't get the "dream" job I want or have some sort of rejection in life. We all know rejection is coming in our lives, but how will you deal with it when it his your life?


  1. Hi Monica! I liked the brick wall comment that Pausch made as well. They definitely do show us how badly we want something and remind us if what we want is worth having. I don't really like to think about being rejected, but it could happen in the future. Hopefully Pausch's words of wisdom will help me cope with these potential rejections.

  2. Hey Monica,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I agree that if we want something badly, we have to strive hard in order to accomplish it.
