Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week 3 Post

They Are First Graders....Are We Ready??????
After watching the the video on these amazing first graders, I asked myself, why can't all first graders do this. I answered myself by saying "Yes they can if we as teacher make it a priority to make technology literacy a goal for elementary and high school student in the classroom and not just hope they pick it up a home.
It would be interesting to see if we did like the teacher in this movie and made technology a priority each school year. I wonder if we would have less drop out rate and more kids decide to extend their educational journey into college. Maybe test scores would be higher. Just a dream now, but maybe if we as future teachers unite and make it a priority in our classrooms maybe the dream will become a reality.

Video 2 of Ms. Cassidy's First Graders

Okay, I've been thinking about this for a few videos about technology in the classroom. I do believe it is important to have technology in the classroom, BUT do I as a teacher want the extra liability on me if something went wrong. It is reality that there is scum out their on the internet and for the most part they are smart scum.
I know she doesn't let her students put their last names on anything but if I were a parent I would be a little skeptical about knowing my child's name, picture, and some information is out there for the world to see! As for this video I was proud of how first grade students could do all they were doing. I hope that some miracle happens and I will get all the technology she has. Wishful thinking on my part.

This is whats Coming
After watching this video on the two year old, I thought it wasn't anything fantastic. To me the parents were making out it out to be this amazing thing. I thought that the child was just hitting the iphone and getting lucky on what popped up. However, if he was mine I guess I would be funny, but I don't think I would post him on the internet.


Speaking history

This pod cast was made by a 8th grade teacher. The subject was about history, the future of technology, and education. The podcast was basically a discussion about the classroom and what they were doing in their room. This podcast was approximately fifteen min.

Promethean Planet

This podcast was about learning how to create flip charts and apply them into your lessons plans. This also explained how to use the Promethean Board and accessories. We have these boards at South and they are very useful. I used the board when I taught my 5th graders, as a paraprofessional, and it made the lesson so much more interesting. I my fellow classmates are reading, ask before hand, but it fun to play with. You need to try it.


  1. Monica,

    You hit the nail on the head when you said that we need to make teaching tech literacy a priority. We need to use it to further our current curriculum. If we teach teachers how to use technology, they can take it back to their subject areas and implement it for their classes. A very novel idea!

  2. Monica, I agree with you. I think if teachers would teach more about technology in the classroom that more children will be like the ones in the video. More importantly though is teachers have to first be technologically literate themselves. We're lucky, not all teachers have had to take this class.

  3. About Mrs. Cassidy's first graders....I do agree with you about being skeptical. I mean I'm 21 years old and I can't even register for anything online because they always want my address and phone number and my shoe It would be hard for me to let a teacher put that kind of information out there on my child. I think you have made a pretty interesting point in all of your blogs.

  4. I am skeptical on putting my future students on the web with or without parent approval, and I definitely will not allow any last names and will most likely use pseudo-first names because of the "smart scum" that is out there in the world. I totally agree with you on the iPhone baby. He was probably just getting lucky touching the screen, but I could be wrong! If it was my child then I would think it was the coolest thing, but I wouldn't post him on the interenet. Great post! Keep up the good work!
